Books by
La Shawn Wells
Author La Shawn Wells and his wife Toi raised three girls who stayed out of trouble, earned athletic scholarships, and are now well-adjusted young women. In The 7 Principles of Faith-Based Parenting, Wells describes the tools he and his wife used to help his daughters achieve success, including the family’s unshakable faith in God.
This book is a guide to help parents and student athletes work through the highs and lows of student athletes with their sport. The author words:I wrote the book mainly because I was experiencing so many parents losing their minds over youth athletics. I mean over some dumb stuff. So I began blogging weekly. The blogs became the book. After a few years as an athletic director and experiencing even more insane parent behavior I decided to do a podcast in hopes of helping these student athletes and parents with strategies, insight and ways to not be a crazy ass parent.
Focusing on the practical application of spiritual belief, Wells offers tips to help make faith work for you. He helps you:
Seek the truth and base your life on it
Understand who you are by knowing your family history and traditions
Be family-oriented
Be selective about your friends
Change what you need to by removing bad habits
Not fear failure while working toward success
Always be yourself, but also see yourself as others see you
Based on real-life challenges that everyday people face, the principles provide insight into Wells’ upbringing and shows how he pushed through some of his generational barriers to raise successful children.
"Right Choice Coaching has had a tremendous impact on our softball team this year. LaShawn brings out the best in athletes with his accountability and motivation. He has built confidence within our athletes, and has given them tools to work through adversity!"
Content by Right Choice Coaching for Parents